Why Teach, Travel, Transform?
There are Teacher Blogs. There are Travel Blogs. There are Motivational/Self-Help Blogs. My Blog encompasses all three. Why? When I finally hit my very own version of rock bottom, I had no choice but to look for a way to climb up out of the chasm I had been unknowingly digging for myself. A lifetime of insecurity, selfishness, poor decision-making, and naivety had just been pushing me deeper and deeper toward the bottom. After staying there and feeling sorry for myself, I decided the only way I was going to rise above my depression was to take action. I researched, read, tried new things, and searched for a deeper meaning in life.
Teach. Teaching and helping others was my only source of happiness during my lowest point. I was a teacher for 5 years and I wholeheartedly believe that it’s part of who I am. I continue to teach by educating others on effective coping skills, behavior management strategies, and emotional regulation. It’s also my goal to teach essential life lessons and help others navigate their own journey of self-discovery.
Travel. Traveling opened my eyes to the world. Seeing how small your problems are in comparison to the vast planet has a way of humbling you to new levels. Being in an airplane, watching the cars and buildings shrink and fade away puts things in a whole new perspective—{literally and figuratively.} Growing up in a small town, I was stifled by a small-minded, sheltered culture. Through traveling, I have met all kinds of diverse, amazing people. I have seen some of the most beautiful wonders of the world. I have been challenged. I have taken risks. I have been spontaneous. I have made memories. And most importantly, I realized that there’s nothing more valuable than my experiences. I can’t wait to share my adventures and some awesome travel tips I’ve brought home with me.
Transform. I have transformed myself. The person I used to be is a distant memory. I have become a better version of myself than I ever thought possible. I am FAR from perfect (clearly) and am still constantly seeking to learn and improve.. But I love waking up each day with the chance to be better than I was the day before. Each day is a new chance to get it right. If my blog helps even one person through a positive transformation such as my own, then I will consider it a success.
This is what I do, why I’m here, and it’s who I am.♥ #teachtraveltransform