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Category: Teach

Tips and Resources for teachers!

Students Teach Lessons Too

I randomly found this on my Google Drive account from a couple of years ago. It isn’t edited or revised, because I don’t care about whether the grammar or syntax are perfect. The content is what matters. I thought someone may need to read this today. ❤️ I had…

FIRST read this, THEN… win at life ;)

*I want to preface this post by saying that I often reference parents and their children throughout this particular article, but I could easily be talking about adults to adults, employer to employees, husband to wife (and vice versa), because these are issues with human behavior in general… not…

When People Ask Why I Left Teaching..

My response to Jessica Gentry’s Facebook post about why she left teaching. The article covering her post can be found at this link! People constantly ask me why I left teaching and if I miss it. I…

The #1 Secret to being a GREAT Teacher

{Have you ever taken the time to think about all of the skills you have acquired or the feats you have accomplished during your time as a teacher? There is no way for me to ever summarize all of the things that being in the classroom taught me. I attribute…

Common Beliefs Regarding Problem Behavior in the Classroom and Why They Are Ineffective

Since transitioning from a teacher to a Behavior Specialist, I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve face-palmed and thought If only I had known this when I was in the classroom! I truly believe that teaching is hands-down the most amazing, rewarding job in…